Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Small Ideas (Free Post)

During lunch today, I was sitting with my friend and I asked her for a fruit snack. She complained that the fruit snack package was too small and that she didn't want to share because there weren't as many. I sighed and said, "The fruit snacks get smaller every year..." That spawned this idea. :)

Mister Williams didn't understand modern days. Us neighborhood kids would ride our bikes down to his old yellow house, and on those hot summer afternoons he'd ramble on in distaste.

"Telephones, television... Ev'rythin's about technology now. Can't even walk a mile without seein' somethin' wth flashin' lights 'n that... whossit called, rap music. Now we've got p'llution 'n fightin'... Boy, I'll tell ya. When I was a young'un like yerselves, we din't have all this rapin' and murderin'. And we had more green. Y'all just gotcher malls and vid'yo games. When I was yer age, we climbed real trees that you could feel livin' underneath yer bare hands, an' tha's what it's all about." The ancient man sighed. "An' the fruit snacks get smaller ev'ry year..."

We would just look at each other, wondering what trees were. We would smile at the poor, senseless man and then we'd get back on our bikes and ride away.

I was always curious, though. A small, instinctual part of me wanted to know what a tree was, and how a person might go about climbing one. That part of me wanted to feel the tree living beneath my hands. That part of me one day led to my being famous for bringing Them back.

I figured out what a tree was, and I used the technology that Mister Williams hated to genetically make the seed of an Oak. I planted that seed, and today my children climb in its branches.

Well, whaddya think of my short-story-spawned-from-a-quote?


  1. Awesome! I could hear the old guy's speech out loud in my head like the dude was spitting in my ear. And knowing where that fruit snack line of his came from was hilarious.

    I'm not sure how technical you're trying to get, but...Question: how are people living without trees in the end of the story? How far degraded is the natural world of this story?

  2. Air factories. There's something about it in Feed. And the world is pretty darn degraded.

    Also, I checked out "If on a winter's night a traveler" from the library.


  4. Now if only we could use technology to make bigger fruit snack packages...
