Friday, September 24, 2010


Whether or not someone does something is up to them. Unless what that person is doing infringes on other people's rights, and as long as it doesn't harm other people, a person should have their natural born rights to say and do what they want at their own discretion. For example, a man should be allowed to marry another man. A woman should be allowed to marry another woman. Anyone should be allowed to believe what they want to believe, and choose what they want to choose.

Instead of holding people back and telling them what to do, we must facilitate all of our rights of freedom. With abortion, a lot of people are Pro Choice- meaning that probably about half of them would never, ever have an abortion themselves, but they don't want the government deciding that for them. The government shouldn't decide things for us. America is supposed to be a free country, but that would obviously be proven wrong if the government began telling us what our decisions are.

There was a soldier who died about two or three years ago. His family had wanted to put a pentacle on his tombstone- they'd been a pagan family, and had wanted to put a precious symbol on his grave, like any family would from any other religion. The government had been completely against that, and the family had been forced to go to court. They won in the end, of course, but just considering the fact that they had to fight for that in the first place is not cool. As I've mentioned before in a recent debate of mine, the US Constitution says that Americans have Freedom of Religion. Is what they did to that poor family freedom? I don't think so.

The government needs to stop controlling our everyday lives. We need privacy. We need individuality. If the government decides things for us, not only will we be stripped of our rights, but we will also be stripped of our privacy and individuality. Life would be horrible. And then the entire system would blow up in the government's face- people would start rebelling, and there would be mass riots everywhere. Not a good way to live.

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