Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Romance Continued

Ok, ok. Some people don't have good relationship. Want to know why? Because they're too young and they haven't lived long enough. Anyways, not ever relationship is going to work out. A lot of times a person has to date a lot of people before they find "They One." Teenagers- including myself- are not mature enough to "fall in love". Think of it this way- if you aren't ready to buy a house or have a kid or hold down a really important job, then you aren't ready to have a serious relationship, which is what "falling in love" is all about.

So I guess, in some ways, I don't believe in love either. That is, if love is butterflies and roses and pink and hearts and music and Disney and fake crap and crazy teenage hormones. That I definitely don't believe in.

What I DO believe in is two mature people dating each other over the course of a year or two and slowly falling in love with each other before buying a house together and getting married. Things take time. It takes time to get an education. It takes time to grow old. It takes time to become the President of the United States. It takes time to fall in love.

You can't rush things like that. I mean seriously people. You've got a whole life ahead of you. You, me, your friends, their friends, my friends. We're all too young to know ANYTHING about what living true life is like. You've only lived, what, fourteen, fifteen years? Compare that to thirty six years. My parents were thirty six when they met each other, and for a while my mom really wasn't into my dad. But, because they waited to see what time would do, they slowly but surely fell in love with each other. My sister met her husband when they were in high school. Now, you might say that by stating her case I'm completely going against what I've been saying, but it actually doesn't because there's more than just meeting in high school- they waited seven years before getting married. They waited until they were damn sure they were completely in love before they did anything drastic.

Love=time. You can't rush things. Let yourself just get through high school for now and don't worry about romantic relationships because the people you know now will change a lot in the next four years.

Time is on our side, people.


  1. "That is, if love is butterflies and roses and pink and hearts and music and Disney and fake crap and crazy teenage hormones. That I definitely don't believe in."
    Okay, you win. Also, you are correct, especially if the roses and hearts are Pepto-Bismol pink.
    And Disney is dead. It was good once, but that era is over. So...yeah.

  2. Disney is only dead in modern ways. If you watch an old Disney movie, that part will NEVER die. :)

  3. And, of course, there were the days of spectacularly weird movies. About talking household appliances. Yes, that one.
    But it was awesome.

  4. Susan I think I'm in love with you ;)

  5. This was beautifully written and I think that just from this (a rant I think?) it shows that you have some amazing writing talents, I'm going to look forwards to your next blog post ;D

  6. :S i did a response to your bloggy susan... go check it out XD
