Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quickwrite- Painting

This is what I wrote about the painting of the girl that Mr. Sutherland showed us in his class earlier... 

Her name is Annabelle and her fiancĂ© has just died. he was in the hospital with a serious case of the flu, and when she'd come to visit him, she'd found an empty bed and a quickly scrawled goodbye note. The basket of fruit on the bed is a basket she'd been bring to share with him. The curtain is pulled back to let the nurses know that the hospital room is not unoccupied. The window is open to let in fresh air because the smell of death is really unpleasant. She'd reread the letter at least ten times before it sank in that her fiancĂ©, Patrick, had passed away. The chair in the corner is where she would always sit on other days of visit. The red blanket on the bed belonged to her and Patrick, but now that the man of the couple had died the hospital would probably try to say that the blanket was theirs all along. Then, one nurse out of the group would sympathize with Annabella, but that nurse, named Molly, would end up murdered by the lead doctor's hands. No one goes against his word because, incidentally, he's a sociopath with a major god-complex.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Romance Continued

Ok, ok. Some people don't have good relationship. Want to know why? Because they're too young and they haven't lived long enough. Anyways, not ever relationship is going to work out. A lot of times a person has to date a lot of people before they find "They One." Teenagers- including myself- are not mature enough to "fall in love". Think of it this way- if you aren't ready to buy a house or have a kid or hold down a really important job, then you aren't ready to have a serious relationship, which is what "falling in love" is all about.

So I guess, in some ways, I don't believe in love either. That is, if love is butterflies and roses and pink and hearts and music and Disney and fake crap and crazy teenage hormones. That I definitely don't believe in.

What I DO believe in is two mature people dating each other over the course of a year or two and slowly falling in love with each other before buying a house together and getting married. Things take time. It takes time to get an education. It takes time to grow old. It takes time to become the President of the United States. It takes time to fall in love.

You can't rush things like that. I mean seriously people. You've got a whole life ahead of you. You, me, your friends, their friends, my friends. We're all too young to know ANYTHING about what living true life is like. You've only lived, what, fourteen, fifteen years? Compare that to thirty six years. My parents were thirty six when they met each other, and for a while my mom really wasn't into my dad. But, because they waited to see what time would do, they slowly but surely fell in love with each other. My sister met her husband when they were in high school. Now, you might say that by stating her case I'm completely going against what I've been saying, but it actually doesn't because there's more than just meeting in high school- they waited seven years before getting married. They waited until they were damn sure they were completely in love before they did anything drastic.

Love=time. You can't rush things. Let yourself just get through high school for now and don't worry about romantic relationships because the people you know now will change a lot in the next four years.

Time is on our side, people.


Qfwfq is around from the beginning of life til the very end of it while never having been anywhere. He has lived through all of time and yet he’s never lived a second.

In The Aquatic Uncle, he’s too weak and pathetic. At one point he simply gives up, and doesn’t do a thing to win the heart of the girl he’s supposedly in love with. But! He grows from this. He uses his immaturity to build stronger character, as the father in “Calvin and Hobbes” is always going on about. “It was a hard blow for me. But, after all, what could I do about it? I went on my way in the midst of the world’s transformations, being transformed myself.” (Page 81) The first two sentences show a lack of confidence and character, which, in turn, shows a lack of maturity. The third sentence shows that he has taken his own immaturity and used it as a fuel to evolve mentally and physically. He isn’t a strong willed person, and he doesn’t always understand people. Both of those things come with age. They come with wisdom. Qfwfq is traveling through the time of the Earth at his own separate pace, and sometimes time slows down for him to really take in details or for him to vividly experience one important part of his ever lengthening life. Qfwfq is an ancient creature living millions upon millions of years ago, but at the very same time he’s millions upon millions of years advanced from us, and we are the ancient creatures that he studies in his science and history classes. He is the subject and we are the student, but he is also the student and we are the subject.

Qfwfq is immortal. His spirit, his entity, has traveled a long path from the very beginning to the very end and as the stories of Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino progress he becomes more mature, more knowledgeable. In the story The Dinosaurs, he’s a very angry character, almost like a hormonal teenager, but in the beginning and end of the story he almost has a different voice. “All except me, - Qfwfq corrected,- because, for a certain period, I was also a Dinosaur: about fifty million years, I’d say…” (Page 97) “I traveled through valleys and plains. I came to a station, caught the first train, and was lost in the crowd.” (Page 112) In the very beginning of Cosmicomics, Qfwfq is a hydrogen bubble. At this point the writing isn’t as clear, showing his lack of experience. During the course of the book he slowly evolves out of the sea, onto the land, and then into the sky, but the very last story is about the sea mollusks, as though he has developed back to his very roots. As he’s narrating his own story, it shows that he is living while already having lived by the way that he tells his story. For most of Cosmicomics, at the beginning of each story, it says things like “Old Qfwfq recalled” and “Qfwfq said”. It calls him old, because he is old. He’s lived through all of Earth’s history, which makes him the oldest living thing out there, while at the same time he hasn’t lived through any of it. This quote proves that- the first part talks about how he’s been a dinosaur for about fifty million years, longer than any normal dinosaur would live. The second part of the quote talks about how he “traveled through valleys and plains” and then mentions him catching a train, which is a modern, human thing. Traveling through the valleys and plains is like his travel through time and the part about the train is the end of his journey, in which he is no longer a dinosaur but now a human being.

Once again in The Dinosaurs, we have another quote preaching anger and frustration. Part of Qfwfq’s development involves large misunderstandings on his part or on the part of those he interacts with. He’s not good at handling other people’s emotions and thoughts, and often becomes that dark, fuming being that holds a grudge against anything that crosses his path. “...I finally felt toward them the same intolerance I had had toward my own environment, and the more I heard them admiring the Dinosaurs the more I detested Dinosaurs and New Ones alike.” (Page 80) He’s impatient, ignorant, and, as he himself admits, intolerant. Each of those words starts with “I”. For the longest time, through trial and error, Qfwfq struggles with this letter, this word. It’s as though there is a constant battle within him, and he doesn’t know whether to trust the “I” or to trust the “Them”. This is what shapes his being. The fight for comprehension leads him to being the most understand person or thing alive. But he also doesn’t understand, which is why he understands. It’s like knowing you’re chewing your thumbnails but you aren’t doing anything about it. Qfwfq knows, and he knows that he doesn’t know, and yet he’s not aware that he knows that he doesn’t know. Get it?


Oh my god. The word is being displayed form every corner of Reader these days. It's as though there's a virus going around. People keep talking about love and how it never lasts and how people are constantly falling in and out of love every day and how love is fake.


Ok, first of all- and this is to all you other freshmen folk who are caught up in this madness- there is a huge difference between being attracted to someone and being in love with them. You can find a person to be the most attractive person you've ever met, and they could have a personality that matches yours like a puzzle piece, and you could be the cutest couple in the world, but if it's only been a day, you are not in love. Love takes time to grow and develop. If that perfect person dumps you after a week and all you do is cry a little and get over it, and then you get all pissed off and start badmouthing them and shit, that is a true sign of not being in love. Love is where you'd take a bullet for someone.

Also, no one can fall in love at age fourteen. Hormones, people. When you're a teenager, your body is telling you to go out there and GET SEXUAL. Because of these irritating hormones, the chemicals in your brain tell you you're in love, because generally teenagers want to fall for each other before they do anything else. It takes maturity and responsibility to form a stable relationship with someone.

You. Yes you, the teenager with the hormones. You are not in love. You will not fall in love until you are older. Deal with it.

Monday, September 27, 2010



Yes, indeed, my good fellows, it's ANOTHER POEM. This one's kind of me ranting about, er, America.


Together we can
A phrase which means more than group
It means activity involving movement and strength.
This phrase can and will be used in positive ways
To prove to others that there is such thing as humanity.
But I take it upon myself to be the devil's advocate
Representing the negative for what it truly is.
The melting ice in the snow globe of life.
The unknown cries from around the corner.
911 in the shadows.
Take a deep breath and open chaste eyes
See the red paint the walls
And her cries for mercy descending to whispers.
White jackets frame grins of knowing
Bound and gagged with knives at their backs
And our heroes swallowing escape with a cup of water.
And we swear upon the flag we're fighting for
Because it's the only thing we have left
After our only hopes have been murdered.
And we shall never, ever stop
Because together we can.

© Susan Peevy

This is one of my favorites, possibly because of how downright angry it is. Oh yeah, and every time I read it I think, "Chaste. Good word."

More Poetry

Here's the next one:


I take the darkness as my friend
A gentle comfort from the horrors I've seen.
I welcome the cold numbness spreading through me
A dark hope of something possible.
The sound of endless bullets
The smell of rotting flesh.
These things I no longer witness
Instead I reminisce
Like the slow curdling of milk
In a time and space so far away
Out of thought
Out of touch
Merely a dream
Swirling in front of me
Why did I fight
For something so foolish?
Like children's games with no rules to follow.
And then it becomes clear.
It's humanity
It's you and me
Not stars or the sea
No individuality.
And even if I stop
There will be others
So I might as well have never been born.

© Susan Peevy

So... Like the title says, this is about a soldier. A depressed soldier. Who has had some very hard times. When I read this I tend to think of the soldier as being a man, but whatever floats your boat is cool with me. :)


I've decided to do a poetry day where I just make a ton of posts of my poetry. Don't worry, it's not actually going to be that much, hahaha... Spam all your Readers with my thoughts on politics. No, there's not that many...

Here's the first one:

Factual Fib

I am not proud of what I've become
Each day going by with the lies that I've spun
I feel all I'm doing is aiming with a gun
At the life I could have had, at the life I could have won.

There’s a stain in my pants from where I dropped my spoon
It’s like the stain in my life that will bring me to my doom
But with these lies taking up space there can never be room
And it’s like I’m sweeping away happiness with an old and dusty broom.

Why do I always dig myself so deep?
Tripping down these stairs that were always way too steep
And it’s as if being myself is just too difficult a feat
And when I’m on the edge it’s as if all I can do is leap

And though I love you I can’t help feel that you’re a puppet on my strings
And it disturbs me even now that I could ever feel those things
But when I hear your happy voice it is a memory that rings
Although after what I’ve done it also hurts and also stings

You’ve got no idea what it’s like to try to rhyme when you want to cry
And I could just say I’m fine but that would be another lie
So to you I say I’m sorry with these eyes that remain dry
And I try to walk away before this moment makes me die
And I’ll climb out of my window and perhaps I’ll learn to fly
Way up with the birds where my tears fall from the sky
And fall upon your doorstep as you sadly as me why
And maybe then I’d tell you, but ‘til then I can’t deny

That lying is all I ever do, and all I can do is lie.

© Susan Peevy

It's a poem about lying. It's actually a poem I wrote a while ago when I had this nasty habit of lying to my mom all the time... This was sort of an apology.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Whether or not someone does something is up to them. Unless what that person is doing infringes on other people's rights, and as long as it doesn't harm other people, a person should have their natural born rights to say and do what they want at their own discretion. For example, a man should be allowed to marry another man. A woman should be allowed to marry another woman. Anyone should be allowed to believe what they want to believe, and choose what they want to choose.

Instead of holding people back and telling them what to do, we must facilitate all of our rights of freedom. With abortion, a lot of people are Pro Choice- meaning that probably about half of them would never, ever have an abortion themselves, but they don't want the government deciding that for them. The government shouldn't decide things for us. America is supposed to be a free country, but that would obviously be proven wrong if the government began telling us what our decisions are.

There was a soldier who died about two or three years ago. His family had wanted to put a pentacle on his tombstone- they'd been a pagan family, and had wanted to put a precious symbol on his grave, like any family would from any other religion. The government had been completely against that, and the family had been forced to go to court. They won in the end, of course, but just considering the fact that they had to fight for that in the first place is not cool. As I've mentioned before in a recent debate of mine, the US Constitution says that Americans have Freedom of Religion. Is what they did to that poor family freedom? I don't think so.

The government needs to stop controlling our everyday lives. We need privacy. We need individuality. If the government decides things for us, not only will we be stripped of our rights, but we will also be stripped of our privacy and individuality. Life would be horrible. And then the entire system would blow up in the government's face- people would start rebelling, and there would be mass riots everywhere. Not a good way to live.

Guns, Germs, and Steel

For some reason, white people have always taken it upon them to bring civilized culture and God to other people of the world, even if they didn’t ask for it. I’m always being asked by others why I care so much about it- the people who ask me usually having darker skin. I understand that African Americans have every reason to think that no one else understands how they feel- to go each day worrying that some bigoted white person is going to pick a fight because of the color of their skin. What most people don’t know is that I myself go through that every day- what if someone sees my necklace? There are more Christians in this world than white people, and at any point someone could notice my necklace and begin preaching the bible at me.
I’m Pagan- a witch. A lot of people see that as sin, as being something unholy and evil. I’ve had people online tell me, in caps lock, that I will go to hell for being a ‘Devil-worshipper’. My religion is misunderstood- we don’t worship the devil; we don’t even believe in the devil. There is no devil in the Pagan religion- we believe in the earth. Pagans are basically hippies, and I feel insulted when people think I’m evil because of that.
On top of my religion, I’m also a third Irish and an eighth Cherokee. Both of those groups of people have experienced horrible things in history, especially the Cherokee. Unlike African Americans, nobody was there to save the Native Americans. When people first see me, however, they only see the Irish; but I have high cheek bones, a tell-tale sign of my Cherokee ancestry. Another sign is the fact that my mother and my grandfather, as they’ve gotten older, have begun to have red skin, and it doesn’t peel and go away like any sunburn.
Different geographies affect people differently. The geography in Japan is very mountainous, so the people relied on fishing and rice for a long time for food- it became very much so part of their culture. People in Africa have more flat lands in which to farm on. Geography changes the physical features of people as well- Africans have darker skin because of living in a place with so much sun for so long. Europeans have lighter skin because there isn’t nearly as much sun farther North- “Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun… and if the sun don’t come you get a tan from standing in the English rain…
“History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples’ environments, not because of biological differences among the people themselves.” Any scientist, historian, or generally smart person could agree with this statement. It’s so easy to see that God had nothing to do with why different people have different cultures and look, well, different. So why are there so many people that still think they’re better than other because of the color of their skin? My own grandmother once told me that if I were to ever marry a black man she would disown me. I’ve never told her of my bisexuality for fear that she would do exactly that, because I know that she hates gay people too. She also hates poor people, Mexicans, Asians, and basically anyone that doesn’t have pale skin and makes a lot of money. It’s racist people who believe that God made them better than others that would disagree with the quote. They’re the people who make me sick, the people who are the exact opposite of what I am, but instead of going outside my home and picking a fight with everyone wearing a cross, I simply hold my ground when they attack me for the pentacle I’m wearing.
White people tend to have a record of thinking people are less than they are because they have less. Because the Native Americans living in America hadn’t yet developed a system of government- which they didn’t need because they weren’t that kind of people- the white people basically stole their land from them. The Native Americans based their lives on the seasons and crops; Europeans saw this as being ‘primitive’. Only recently have Native Americans began taking back the land that is rightfully theirs, after living on reservations for so long. Also, I find it quite ironic that Oklahoma has the highest population of Native Americans in the country, yet it does not have a single reservation.
I suppose I have a lot of biased disliking towards white people even though, technically, I am a white person. I prefer to think of my pale skin as being because of my Irish ancestry- the Irish have been treated horribly for a long time as well, and I feel more proud of where I’ve gotten today because of this fact. Our earth’s history is full of tragedies and horrors- from slavery to World War 2, from Hitler to Henry the Eighth, from African slavery to the Trail of Tears. We haven’t yet all learned to accept people for who they are, where they came from, and what their culture was like there.
The ability for human kind to behave violently is something that is very historic in the world and after thousands of years we can’t seem to figure out that violence, slavery, bigotry, murder, and so on are the worst possible viruses to ever “grace this planet with their presence.” Our behavior is viral. It’s like a nasty disease that has been continued and continued, though weak attempts of peace have been made in more recent decades. It literally goes back to Neanderthals when men would slaughter each other over fire, food, and women. The Cro Magnons were the extinction of the Neanderthals- forced them out of their lands, the places where they had lived for so long. The Neanderthals had gotten used to the land, and their only memories were of living on it. When the Cro Magnons took it away from them, they didn’t know what to do and became extinct.
From our first steps until we die of old age, we struggle with learning how to be what we really are- human.   

Mother (Free Post)

This poem is about whatever you want it to be about, whether it's your mom or Mother Earth... :)

Gently wrap your arms around me
And tell me it’s going to be ok.
The time has come to make a decision
Is it me?
Or is it my love?
From the day my mother birthed me,
I’ve watched with eyes of sadness
The disease taking hold of her
Swelling up on her skin like black molasses.
I’ve been so desperate
The weight on my shoulders
And creeping up my legs.
So helpless, so worried
I’ve been watching…
And I still see it.
See the love in her eyes though so many have abused her
See the trustful hope in her smile
See the powerful strength she so calmly protects.
And it becomes clear to me.
The one day her body will be clean
One day her soul will soar peacefully in the sky
One day her dreams will not be cut down and burned
And one day, my mother will be proud.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Small Ideas (Free Post)

During lunch today, I was sitting with my friend and I asked her for a fruit snack. She complained that the fruit snack package was too small and that she didn't want to share because there weren't as many. I sighed and said, "The fruit snacks get smaller every year..." That spawned this idea. :)

Mister Williams didn't understand modern days. Us neighborhood kids would ride our bikes down to his old yellow house, and on those hot summer afternoons he'd ramble on in distaste.

"Telephones, television... Ev'rythin's about technology now. Can't even walk a mile without seein' somethin' wth flashin' lights 'n that... whossit called, rap music. Now we've got p'llution 'n fightin'... Boy, I'll tell ya. When I was a young'un like yerselves, we din't have all this rapin' and murderin'. And we had more green. Y'all just gotcher malls and vid'yo games. When I was yer age, we climbed real trees that you could feel livin' underneath yer bare hands, an' tha's what it's all about." The ancient man sighed. "An' the fruit snacks get smaller ev'ry year..."

We would just look at each other, wondering what trees were. We would smile at the poor, senseless man and then we'd get back on our bikes and ride away.

I was always curious, though. A small, instinctual part of me wanted to know what a tree was, and how a person might go about climbing one. That part of me wanted to feel the tree living beneath my hands. That part of me one day led to my being famous for bringing Them back.

I figured out what a tree was, and I used the technology that Mister Williams hated to genetically make the seed of an Oak. I planted that seed, and today my children climb in its branches.

Well, whaddya think of my short-story-spawned-from-a-quote?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Response To Amber C.

Here's Amber's blog post!
Today, we had a PTSA meeting at school, and we came to the topic of the possible size increase for ASTI.  Mr. Fong talked about how AUSD was planning to increase ASTI's size to 400 students, but the grades levels would be from seventh grade to twelfth grade.  The students would not be at the portable campus only, but supposedly, we would have the seventh and eight graders at a different campus, and the ninth through twelfth graders at the ASTI and COA campus.  Even though it is somewhat a good and a bad thing to be able to increase the size of ASTI, I personally would like it better if we could keep the ASTI size the same as it is now.
I also feel that ASTI should be kept small. The reason why ASTI and all it's students and teachers are so successful is because of the size. No school I've ever been to could ever keep up with the students like ASTI does, and if we make the class sizes bigger, the teachers would have more teenagers to deal with, and the incredible system that's been set up would all go down the drain. The way the schedules would be made, with part-time college classes throughout all four years, doesn't sound as appealing as having the two years of regular high school and the two years of college. If we jump in our freshmen years, we won't be ready. ASTI wouldn't be the same.

I really hope ASTI stays the same size. I mean, if ASTI's size increased right now and tomorrow I had to go to school with as many classmates as I did at Lincoln, that'd be the same as if I'd gone to Alameda High. But I chose to go to ASTI because of the student size. In a smaller school it's less likely for there to be bullying because everyone knows each other too well. They end up knowing who's nice and who's not nice. The not nice ones are avoided and the nice ones are cherished. If ASTI were bigger, I truly believe the bullying would increase substantially. 

Well, I don't know what's going to happen, but I sure as hell hope ASTI stays the same.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Words I Don't Know

1. Discretion
2. Regime
3. Subsequent
4. Aggregate
5. Allocation
6. Analogous
7. Concurrent
8. Preliminary
9. Intrinsic
10. Facilitate

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feed (Free Post)

No, I'm not talking about how hungry I am or what kind of diet I'm on... Feed is a book (a damn good book) that I read a few years ago. It's a Young Adult book that takes place in the future. There are flying cars and parties on the Moon. Most of civilization at this point is living over the world- that is, communities and houses are floating above the actual Earth. People have chips installed in their brain- usually at birth to be on the safe side- that hooks into their minds and makes the internet live in their heads. This is called the Feed (because it's feeding these people media and stuff). The Feed tells people where to buy the latest clothes, where the hot spots for partying are on Mars, and what the latest, most popular songs are. The Feed also tells them what certain words mean and, if they ever actually need to know, what happened in certain periods of history. Once they have the Feed, people basically don't need to do anything but move, eat, and sleep. They can even chat through their minds- hearing each other's voices without talking. They can go to their favorite websites, watch their favorite television shows, and read their favorite books- if they even know what a book is. The Feed, which may seem like a wonderful thing to the people that have them, is actually controlling their lives. But down on the real soil, people are dying. Down where the population is sparse, there's a horrible disease no one knows about, and the people who go without Feeds are dying at skyrocketing numbers. And not only that, the people living above that have Feeds are getting these grotesque lesions, which are like large wounds on the skin that leak blood and puss. To the people with Feeds, these are as normal as pimples.

In this horrible futuristic world, we find the main character Titus. He's a normal teenage boy, with normal friends and a normal life. But he meets a girl named Violet who pays attention to what's going on around her. She opens her eyes once in a while. She knows what's wrong and what's right. She's ready to fight the Feed.

But this story won't end well. Feed is a sad story with a sad ending, but I, personally, think that everyone should read it. If everyone in the world read Feed, I truly think that our planet would be a better place because more people would stop and think about exactly what technology could do to us. Just sayin'.

Celebrities (Response)

I found this quote from one of Karisa's posts...

So, I was thinking and i realized that out of pretty much all of the actors and actresses that started on Disney Channel there are very few of them that actually have a good, continuing acting career. When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs. I guess my point in writing this is to state my opinion that most acting careers that start on TV stations like the Disney Channel don't tend to last too long.
This is so true. A lot of the time, when someone becomes famous, they end up doing drugs, committing crimes, and doing horrible things that end up all over the media. They get talked about just as much as they used to, but for different, malicious reasons. Other celebrities that they might have once called their friends would say things about them, spread untrue secrets, and make the slowly collapsing star have an even worse life. Those that can last longer than a few years become well-known, well-loved stars- the ones that, thirty years from now, will be referenced all the time on the tele, and whose records and movies will still be bought. Now, occasionally there are exceptions like The Beatles- they didn't last more than ten years, but they still ended up being possibly one of the most popular bands in Modern World History. The key component here is that they started a sort of... musical revolution. They changed the way musicians did things. The other bands that came after them- including The Who- are almost just as well known, and they stayed together longer.

Another thing about stars' lives going downhill is the fact that, most of the time, this is caused by becoming less popular over a certain amount of time. People have a habit of moving on quickly. Fads become uncool, certain clothes go out of style. Certain celebrities become lame. It's when people... move on, you could say, that celebrities really have a tough time. When you're famous, everything's great, but when you aren't famous anymore by the standards of the people... Well. Where does that put you?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No Going Back (Free Post)

It's taking time for me to acknowledge
That I went along so voluntarily.
My mind was always full of contradiction
Remembering the scenario you made me submit to.
Your passive manipulation was a true violation
Of my ethical rights and
This human interaction you've so easily distorted
Has made my mental gender collapse with confusion.
Since what happened I've begun a slow recovery
But I must insist
You can't ignore
Your clear discrimination.
You're so dramatic, and so 'mature'
But be rest assured...
I will exceed you
I will anticipate your return
And this time, this time I will not accommodate you
And become your device.
I will survive.

Ok, so... 'Tis a poem, yep. An angry poem. >:3 It's short, but I had to choose words from Mr. S's lists so what do you expect? I mean, not that the lists were lame (I actually had fun picking out the words), it's just that I had a slight restraint on, which makes the whole thing more difficult.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Abortion Rebuttal

Here's the link to the rebuttal that Mercedes and I wrote on the Pro side of the Abortion topic...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another Story Idea

So I've had these characters for... a while now. And I've been trying to piece a story together about them for *gasp* a while now. This takes place on the moon of my planet Nolias, and the moon, which is actually another, tinier planet, is called Tontis. The characters names are Mau Lavely Mai or Mau (the one narrating) and Apple Wasp (the purple suited guy being talked about). All of this is copyright me, mmkay? So anyways, here's a story clip I've made. Hope y'all like it. :D

I remember when I first saw you. That summer was warm, and as the sky turned several shades of pink, and the ocean beat against the rocks like an angry animal, and the sounds of the annual city festival played with the air around me, I couldn’t help but see you sitting on the grass, twiddling a flower in your fingers, staring out at the sea as if it were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. Your hat was on the earth beside you, your black hair waving slightly in the breeze. You pressed your knees up against your chest, and even though your face was strong, and I could tell from your distant eyes that you’d been through a lot, you seemed so small, as though you were tired of being strong. You seemed so innocent then, so trustable.

That’s probably one of the only times I’ve ever seen that gentle side of you.

I forgot about you, the strange man in the dark purple suit, and your faraway expression. When I moved to the city, with the living machinery and late-night trains, I soon forgot about the ocean as well, and the gorgeous rolling hills I’d once called my home. I forgot about the stars, I forgot about how, on certain clear nights, one could see perfectly the huge planet our small one orbits. I forgot about those festivals with the old storytellers, the young musicians, and the barefoot girls in dresses dancing to their tunes. I forgot about the people selling trinkets, and the games the little ones used to play. I forgot about you, and I forgot about the place I belonged.

But unlike my hometown, you followed me.

Of course, I didn’t know because in my dreams, in my nightmares, you were a monster. A giant, black creature with too many legs and a grinning mouth of sharp, white teeth. Because of those nightmares, I was terrified of any kind of insect, especially spiders and bees. I was teased in school, more than usual, not only of my overly intense fear of insects, but because I often spoke of spiders in purple top hats and wasps with purple canes. They treated me as though I was insane, and for such a long time, I thought I was, too. I became an outcast.

My parents began sending me to regular therapy. My therapist, Mr. Jembol, was a middle aged man who desperately tried to hide the fact that he was going bald. He was really a horrible listener, and often stopped me in the middle of what I was saying to tell me his opinion. At one point he told me to draw you on a piece of paper. He thought the picture of a black spider with wasp wings and a purple top hat and cane was fairly comical, but I later had to burn the paper and wash away the ashes to stop from crying.

Why did you haunt my life so much? Why did you make my nights horrors? Why, when I’d only ever seen you once before?

It's ok, Mau, he's not doing it on purpose.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gude myewzik.

I've been trying to get some GUDE MYEWZIK (good music) spread around... so... here it is? Hero of War by Rise Against In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans (sixties song)

WEEELLLLL that's it. I know. I'm lame. But whatever.

OH YEAH and read the book Feed. I've decided that it's suddenly mandatory for everyone to read that book because if everyone did, BAD THINGS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE.

In the year 2525... If man is still alive... If woman has survived... They may find... two? It totally ties in with Feed. If a movie is ever made, that should be playing with the credits. AND EVERYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WOULD BE SOBBING THEIR EYES OUT MUAHAHAHAHA-

*cough cough*

Oh yes, and Freddy needs to send me the videos of the debate that Mercedes and I were Pro side for (Abortion), because when he does I MIGHT put them up here IF he's ok with it and IF I wasn't stuttering through the entire thing.

"M-my p-p-point-t is-i-is th-th-th-UGH! THAT! um, I, er, PRO CHOICE WHOO!" that totally didn't happen. But it would have been funny if it had. :D

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pro Abortion

Before we amble off into a land where serious is the only emotion, I would like to provide you with the definitions to the following words: Fetus and Embryo:

From Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, we have the definition of “fetus”
    “The unborn offspring in the post embryonic period, after major structures have been outlined, not occurring in humans until nine weeks after fertilization and continuing until birth.”

And from Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, we have the definition of “embryo”
     “ a vertebrate, something that has not yet developed”

On Christmas Day, 1984, three abortion clinics were bombed, and those convicted called the bombings "a birthday gift for Jesus." One of the main reasons against abortion is that you are “killing another person” and that God said that was bad, but the US Constitution states “Freedom of Religion” which means that religious reasoning cannot be used in an official argument because not everyone believes in the Bible (i.e. their reasoning is flawed and cannot be used in court). The anti-abortion position is usually a religious belief and threatens the vital separation of church and state. Religious ideology should not be a foundation for law in the United States. Within the churches and other groups opposing abortion, the issue of clinic protests has become increasingly controversial, as many who oppose abortions move to separate themselves from those who propose violence as an acceptable solution. Why, when the Bible (and not just the bible) don’t support violence, do religious peoples think that violence is an acceptable solution for their moral issues?

Technically, during the first three months of pregnancy, the fetus is still a single cell, or just a group of cells that are still formed in a hollow ball, so how can you be killing a person if it’s just a single cell? What defines a person? A fetus is not a human being. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, not a baby. Personhood at conception is not a proven biological fact. According to Stuart W. G. Derbyshire, PhD, Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham (England), fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when an abortion is performed. The biological development necessary to support pain experience does not occur until birth.

Modern abortion procedures are safe. The risk of a woman’s death from abortion is less than one in 100,000. Whereas, the risk of a woman dying from giving birth is 13.3 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies. Furthermore, a 1993 fertility investigation of 10,767 women by the Joint Royal College of General Practitioners and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that women who had at least two abortions experienced the same future fertility as those who had at least two natural pregnancies. Also, the science behind the theory that abortion increases the likelihood that women will develop breast cancer is unsubstantiated. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have all refuted the reliability of studies claiming an association between breast cancer and abortion.

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes abortion as a medical procedure if performed by a licensed physician in conformance with good medical practice standards. There are about 1,800 licensed physicians who provide abortions in the United States. These doctors, not politicians, should have the authority to make medical decisions regarding abortion. Just as well, abortion should be legal because it is an effective tool in population control. Malnutrition, starvation, poverty, lack of medical and educational services, pollution, underdevelopment, and conflict over resources are all consequences of overpopulation. Now, this isn’t to be taken as “we should kill everyone” it’s simply stating that a woman who does not wish a child, should not have to carry one, especially in places where these consequences hold true.

Motherhood must never be a punishment for having sexual intercourse. President Barack Obama said in a Mar. 29, 2008 campaign speech in Johnston, Pennsylvania, "I have two daughters... I'm going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Also, abortion lowers crime. Some estimates claim that legalized abortion accounted for as much as 50% of the drop in murder, property crime, and violent crime between 1973 and 2001. Teenage girls, unmarried women, and poor women are more likely to have unintended pregnancies. Unwanted babies are often raised poor, increasing their chances of leading criminal lives in adulthood.

A baby should not come into this world unwanted. 48% of all pregnancies among American women are unintended. Birthing children is an important lifelong decision that requires responsible consideration, preparation, and planning. Just as well, a lot of abortions happen because of rape cases. If a woman has been raped and defiled, and she does not want to keep the baby (that will most likely look like it’s father) that is the offspring of a horrible and traumatizing affair, should she be forced to keep it? Abortion also gives couples the option to choose not to birth babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions. Fragile X syndrome, the most common genetic form of mental retardation, affects about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 8,000 females. One in 800 babies have Down Syndrome, and one in 3,500 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis. Parents should have a choice in whether or not they want to have a child that will be sentenced with a mental illness their entire life.

-Susan Peevy and Mercedes Thorne