Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stolen idea!- 30 Day Challenge- Day 1

I've seen some people doing this and I looked interesting so I decided to take part. :P Don't murder me?

Day 1- Your Best Friend

Dude, Constance. How long have we known each other? It's only been, I think, a year and a half, but it feels like we've known each other forever. I still remember that morning when I glanced over and saw your necklace and said, "Oh, hey, I like your necklace." And then I spent the next week psyching myself up to ask you if you were Pagan. I saw you at the library all the time. I don't remember, but you were probably reading Pratchett.

I remember the first time I went to your house. I swear, your house is like a drug, because the first time I saw it was, for some reason, the most awesome. I mean, it's still awesome, but my memories are telling me just how freakin' awesome it was then, too. It's like crack. Your house is crack.

And I remember the first time you stayed at my house. We stayed up until 8 o'clock in the morning, remember? I think you made your original Facebook account just so you could fill out that questionnaire thing with silly answers. Those answers were hilarious at the time because we were so tired, but they were probably crap answers, on both of our accounts.

And is it weird that I miss walking to school with you every morning?  I mean, except for all those annoying sixth and seventh graders that harassed us every day (kids these days!), those walks home were awesome. Most of the time, that is. Sometimes we'd fight. Those days were really sad.

I think one of my best memories is when we went to Yosemite. That entire time was completely amazing- with all the people from CAYA. And we would go outside every night to swing on that tiny playground, and we'd look at the stars and talk about random shit. And that stupid light would always slowly go out and then come back on again and we'd be like "WTF IT CAME ON AGAIN." And then we'd end up singing Beatles songs.

Dude, you're an awesome friend. If I'm ever being a jerk or something, just remind me about Yosemite. Because you're awesome. Seriously.

PS- Constance is not my only best friend (I have, uh, three others?) but she was the first thing that came to mind because she's so weird. XD)


PPPS- And Mercedes and Elizabeth, yes, you guys are awesome too... :)