Monday, October 4, 2010

Am I an Alien?

Last night, my family and I sat in my living room talking about random life. My brother suddenly sat forward and said, in a quiet, secretive voice, "You guys wanna know something?"

Our attention had been caught.

"Now, this is going to sound weird, but I have this theory... Whenever I talk about this at parties it always clears the room..." We were all suddenly nervous. What strange thing was he going to tell us? Had my brother finally gone insane? And then he said it: "We're all descended from aliens."

"Bullsh*t." I believed in aliens, but my 'beliefs' didn't go quite that far.

"No, no, no, listen, listen..." He shushed me. "Why did so many people just suddenly have pale skin? Blond hair, blue eyes? Red hair, green eyes?"

My mom and I were both quick to say, "Scientists have found that it was some sort of genetic mutation."

My brother kept saying we're descended from aliens, so I decided to set him straight. "Evolution, evolution," I said. "As ancient peoples migrated north, they weren't getting as much vitamin D from the sun... It was the vitamin D, vitamin D..."

He sat there calmly as I explained to him how logically we evolved over time. Then he fought back.

He started talking about planet twelve.

Everyone that knows anything knows that the planets in our solar system all revolve around the sun in basically the same way. Sure, they might be tilted differently. Sure, they might be farther away. But if you line them up, they're all basically in the same area. But there's a planet, planet twelve, that moves around the sun in a completely different way- perpendicular to Earth. And you know how sometimes planets line up, right? And how those are always the best nights to look at that planet through a telescope? Well, every couple thousand years this planet, planet 12, meets up with Earth. Guess what archeologists and scientists have discovered about each of those times?

Each time planet twelve lines up with ours, human civilization on Earth has some sort of technological leap. Like going from sharp rocks to farming tools to electricity to breaking the sound barrier. Every time.

Another thing (that I can remember- he talked at us about this for a couple hours)- a lot of ancient Gods and Goddesses had paler or white skin- if we go along with my brother's theory, saying that pale people are descended from aliens, this only proves our point. And if you look at ancient hieroglyphics in Egypt and Sumeria, there are drawings and carvings everywhere of people with space helmets and rocket  ships.

Other topics of interest during the discussion:

- Did we really land on the moon? My dad says "Of course!" because at the time it happened, he (and a crapload of other people around the world) were tuning in on their HAM Radios and listening in as Niel and his pals landed. We say they used satellites to bounce the signal from Earth and make the Radio people think they were getting broadcasts from the moon.

Also, if you ever see the "video" that Niel got on the moon, their are several key factors that make you go "Woah." I've seen them. Firstly, the American flag we supposedly put on the moon is waving around as if in the wind. There isn't wind on the moon. There isn't even enough atmosphere. Secondly, at one point in the background you can see something like a person walking past in a black suit- as if the whole thing was being recorded on a stage. Lastly, the way the astronauts were moving is physically impossible. Some scientists manage to recreate the gravity that the moon would have (using math to calculate it, of course- by how close the moon is to us, how close we are to the sun) and they managed to make that kind of gravity in a small location on Earth (like in a room in their laboratory). The kind of steps the astronauts were taking on the moon, in the kind of gravity the moon is supposed to have, should have sent them flying.

- The explosion that was heard around the world. June 30, 1908, something hit the Earth in Siberia with enough force to make a loud clapping sound that was heard, literally, around the world. At the spot were this happened, the trees that once stood tall are now flattened out in a sort of ring with the middle being the spot they're facing away from. In this stretch of area, nothing will grow- no new trees, no plants, nothing. Scientists can't even get pea plants to grow, and pea plants will grow anywhere if you give them sunlight and water. Some people say it was a tiny black hole. Others, like myself, say it was a UFO that ran out of gas. Oops.

- The Bloop. Look it up on youtube. The Bloop is a sound that can be heard occasionally in the ocean. It was caught on microphone. The Bloop is a sound so incredibly loud that no blue whale could ever make it. What immense creature could have made this sound? Do we even want to know?

So. Are we completely human? Or are those like me- people with pale/paler skin, blue or green eyes, blond or red hair- all the descendants of life forms from planet twelve? What do you think?

My brother, my dad, news articles, and this little book called The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin.

-edit- The Bloop was heard and recorded by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997.


  1. Okay, so i'll explain a theory to you about THE BLOOP. Cthulu. that's right, the area it's in is the same area that H.P. Lovecraft described Cthulu's lair. Creepy right?

  2. You really need to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    Incidentally, those verification code thingies for the comments would make really good names.
