Monday, October 25, 2010


Feel it in the air around you. The way the cars pass by outside at a steady pace, then way the pencil seems to swish along the flesh of the paper as you write on it your words and formulas. You could hum a tune to that beat, that seemingly endless thud of life, filling your ears with the sound of living, breathing atmosphere. Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly, closing your eyes and tapping something with your finger. Find your rhythm- don't be concerned if it takes a while, you'll find it eventually.

Your rhythm is your lifestyle. It's like a snowflake- no two rhythms are alike. Not completely. If you're experiencing the harsh reality that Life is Violence and there's a heavy weight on your shoulders like no other, simply return to this rhythm. Keep a certain peace within you while knowing, for certain, that this specific rhythm is your own. It belongs to you. It defines you. No one else can have your rhythm, and it sets you apart from everyone else in the entire world. Always remember about this beat. No matter how difficult the times are, no matter how much spoil these wars bring upon you, you will always have your rhythm.

All you've got to do is listen to the way the air moves around you, close your eyes, hear your heart beating, and begin to tap your fingers. There it is. There's your rhythm.

It may change over time, but that's natural. Just as you may change- your tastes may branch off from what they once were, your outlook on life may take a drastic turn (for the better or the worse)- your rhythm will change. Don't fret- it is still yours and only yours, to carry with you from the moment of your birth to the last breath you take. It will remain a snowflake among other snowflakes- always different.

Your rhythm is a beautiful thing. It makes you beautiful.


  1. You were right to insist on this one. Lotta wisdom here. Impressive.

    Live with rhythm = Live seasonally...?

  2. Yes. :) By the way, I think I understand you when you say 'living seasonally'. I get more sleep in the winter than any other season, and I generally end up in bad moods in the summer. You're lucky there isn't summer school. Heeheehee...

  3. Bad moods in summer, huh? Well there's where we differ. Ample sunlight does miracles for me...And its lack knocks me out like a frying pan to the back of the head. OK, I'm exaggerating a wee tad.

  4. Really? Your mood seems to have gotten sillier as the weather got colder... Strange. O.o

    Eh, maybe it's one of those things that matters with the eyes of the beholder.

  5. Is it alright if I refer to you as "Sutherland" in my essay? Because that's what I call you anyways when I'm talking to other people. Or I call you Freddy. One of those two. :)

  6. Let's see how "His Excellency" sounds. Kidding; "Sutherland" is my name, so it would be hard to take offense to being called that.

  7. Goofiest. Teacher. Ever.

    Don't worry, though, it's totally awesome. :D
