Wednesday, December 8, 2010


People are constantly making assumptions about my sexuality or asking questions that I, personally, find rude. I found a website that basically explains everything: here.

Here's a big one. People are constantly telling me that if I marry a guy then I'm choosing to be straight. If I marry a girl I'm choosing to be a lesbian. They don't understand that no matter which way I go, I'm still bisexual because I'm still attracted to both genders. And I'm not going to have a 'threesome' just because I'm attracted to both genders- I'm a monogamist all the way. People also tend to think that bisexuals are just 'hiding' their true sexuality. Yes, because I'm totally trying to hide the fact that I'm a lesbian by saying that I'm also attracted to girls. Makes SO much sense.

And there's another big one: people are always saying, "Oh, she/he's just confused. It's just a phase." Um, last time I checked, I'm not confused. I've kissed both genders. On the Kinsey scale I rate a 2- I'm mostly heterosexual, but I have a history of homosexuality. I've had experiences with both genders and I am fully aware of being attracted to both genders. It's not a phase. It's not confusion.

And I just had another thought- society shouldn't make these things so darn uncomfortable to talk about. I mean, these things are a completely natural part of life- sexuality, that is, as well as sexual preferences. I mean, without sex none of us would be here, so why is it such a taboo subject? Why do people get so freaked out when it's brought up? I mean, seriously. No one is going to die of some horrible disease because someone else told them something sexual. Although, if the sexual comment was directed at them, I can understand how that might be uncomfortable. BUT. If two close friends are talking to each other and one wants to tell the other about something, it shouldn't be hush-hush and embarrassing. There's nothing embarrassing about it, except that society tells us it is.

So, this blog post was basically: bisexuality isn't this or this and society is terrible the end.


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