Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chains of Steel

Why do you do the things that you do?
Make me feel these emotions
To appease your inner turmoil?
I'd thought I'd been rid of that hell
Putting chains of steel around my heart and hiding the key
Isolating myself from the cold world that boils me so.
When I came to this sanctuary, this haven
I tore away the chains and let my wings spread
Basking in the wind and smiles.
But before I knew it that sunshine was gone
Leaving storms and tears to greet me
My fresh wings drenched and useless.
I lock up my heart again now
In a small cardboard box labeled 'fragile'
And I shove it away in my attic
In a place too difficult to find
And hope your words and actions don't shatter it anymore.
I embrace these chains of steel
Welcoming back an old and familiar friend
Who once fed me with pity and loneliness
And loathing of myself and the world.

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