Friday, November 5, 2010

And I thought you were mean!

I've been getting really angry really quickly lately. Or I start crying. One of the two. I mean, someone could lightly and jokingly poke my shoulder and I, like, attack them. I don't know why I'm getting so emotional recently, especially since I'm usually very hyper (I'm an energy vampire, which means that when I'm around a lot of people I kind of take their energy from them? I dunno how. Osmosis maybe?). I have a 'reputation' for being hyper and silly and constantly happy, but it's like all I want to do is scream and beat the sh*t out of someone. Or some people.

I don't know if I'm looking for reasons to be angry or if a part of me just kind of snapped from the past fourteen years of being secretly annoyed. A lot of people are really annoying to me- most of them are people my age. I've always gotten along better with adults. I grew up with adults. My sister moved out for the first time when I was, uh, seven or eight. She moved in with her boyfriend/fiance who later became her husband (they're a cute couple). I'm ok with little kids (they're cute, too) but preteens and teenagers (and some ignorant old people) piss me off. A lot.

I don't want to be angry at people all the time. I'm usually able to keep stuff bottled up and put on a happy face (I learned that skill from my mom), but my acteeng skeellz are wearing thin.

Sumbudeh halp meh. D:

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