Friday, January 14, 2011

Literature Circles... good or bad?

I happened upon a quote from Mercedes's blog that I, truly, couldn't agree with more...
"In all honesty, I find the lit circle discussions irritating because we haven’t really worked out a system to actually discuss the topic. It’s really more of a Lit Circle Argument than anything else. More often than not, your opinion on the matter at hand is brutally rebutted and you are told point-blank that you are wrong."
I find this to be pretty accurate. It's incredibly stressful to sit in a room where everyone seems to be shouting at once. One person says one thing, another person says something in rebuttal, and they say it louder so as to be heard, everyone else suddenly joins in because they've got an opinion that needs to be heard, too...

It's all just very disastrous. People still end up chattering away. People with good opinions don't get heard. Soon, not even the teacher, Mr. Sutherland, can keep them contained. I seems like the lit circles are only good for arguing and creating rifts between students, not actually talking about the book.

And then there's the 'debates'. Oh, how terrible those are. It's even worse then- every voice speaking, every thought becoming part of the conversation. Small little arguments break off from the main one. Sometimes between people at opposite sides of the room.

It's so overwhelming. It's like people are arguing just for the sake of an argument. Fighting. It's all about who's tougher, who's got the most information and evidence, and who's got the balls to just keep going and going and going...

Class debates and lit circles aren't my favorite of things...

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