Tuesday, October 19, 2010


How does Christianity make sense? How does religion make sense?

There are people starving in Africa. There are people murdering, raping, torturing, molesting, abusing (mentally and physically). There are horrible politicians. There are wonderful politicians that should be elected but never were. If there's a God, why isn't he helping these victims? If he were supposed to bring the Rapture in 2000, isn't he a bit late? And why can't anyone see God?

And what about animals? If God made all these different animals, why isn't he protecting them? Animals are being abused and killed every day- from domestic animal abuse to the murder of wild animals. Entire species going extinct all the time. If there's a God, why isn't he helping them?

And why are there other planets? Why, if God made this planet as a special planet, why are there so many others? Why were we able to go out into space without seeing heaven on the way?

I don't consider my own religion really... a religion. In fact, I hate that word. I hate using the word 'religion'. For me, it's a way of living. I spend my days worrying about the planet and the things living on it (other than humans, we're already fucked anyways). I do lots of things with herbology (lavender makes you fall asleep so fast), stone working, and full moons. I'm a spiritual person, but I'm not spiritual in a freaky way. I'm not cultish. I don't sacrifice babies and small animals (that's sick, people). I don't even believe in sacrifice.

Personally, in my opinion religion is merely a tool used by governments and other high powers to control the population. Religion is not something I approve of.

That's just my opinion.

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