Friday, March 25, 2011

Okay what.

      Chapters eight and nine. The first sentence of chapter eight is okay- she's exhausted, okay, that's understandable, every person gets exhausted from something at one point or another. But then the second and third lines are,
"She hadn’t had a healthy appetite in forever and had a hard time sleeping the last few nights. But on the flipside, becoming a non-eating insomniac did wonders to a girl’s figure."
This is basically thinspo. This line is telling girls that it's a good idea to starve yourself and get absolutely no sleep, because then you can lose weight and be 'beautiful'. Both of these things are completely unhealthy and I find it appalling that the author is spreading this message like it's good advice. So no, I don't think that she's a relatable protagonist. Anyways, she's apparently a complete and total outcast with no friends other than Stella, who is supposed to be popular at this huge high school but she only has over two hundred friends. I mean, here at ASTI, this teeny high school, most students have over five hundred friends. If you're trying to be realistic, give her a larger amount of friends. Jeez. Get real.
      Another of the questions involves whether or not being Filipino is cool, or whether she should be a different ethnicity. Truth is, the ethnicity really doesn't matter. As long as she has a personality and good character development, no one cares. She could be African, she could be Italian, she could be Chinese, she could be Canadian... it doesn't matter.
      Also, it says 'heartthrob' twice, once in Dorothy's thoughts and once in Stella's speach. Change up the diction a little, will ya?
      And both Adrian and Dorothy are unrealistic characters. It's like you stuck in a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu and paired 'em up. Make them believable.
      Dialogue doesn't contribute or take away from anything. It's dialogue. It's in every fiction novel. I dare you to find one novel that is fiction that spans more than three hundred pages and has absolutely no dialogue at all whatsoever. Seriously.
      And no. Adrian is not compelling. I feel like stealing his wallet, taking all the money and cards out, and taking a crap in it before returning it.


  1. Hey, did you read the beta reading thing? It wasn't exactly the best thing ever, and I can't help but catch the errors.
